This book contains the early stories "Adam Among the Gods," "Seductions" and Xeric Grant winner "Jazz: Cool Birth," plus gallery pages and articles from the author, in a beautiful full color package!
“…Seductions draws the reader into the vampire’s hunt for 'life' and love. One feels his pain even as one loathes his manipulative manner. …another satisfying done-in-one presentation.” — Tony Isabella, Comic Buyers Guide #1644
"(Adam) is a wonderful morality tale done in the tradition of the Twilight Zone."— Odinson, Lone Star Comics Archivist, My Comic
“Totally unpredictable story. Great work! 5 out of 5 stars.” — Quazipseudo, Syndicated Zine Reviews
“This is pretty much perfect as is. Full marks.” — Jacques Treatment, Dimestore Productions
“The art is beautiful, and the character development is strong and sensible.” — Rick Silva, Dandelion Studios
CLICK HERE for "Worlds" on Amazon, in paperback.
CLICK HERE for "Worlds" on Comixology.
CLICK HERE for "Worlds" download at DriveThruComics.