Worlds: the First Gary Scott Beatty Retrospective Graphic Novel Collection

This book contains the early stories "Adam Among the Gods," "Seductions" and Xeric Grant winner "Jazz: Cool Birth," plus gallery pages and articles from the author, in a beautiful full color package!

“…Seductions draws the reader into the vampire’s hunt for 'life' and love. One feels his pain even as one loathes his manipulative manner. …another satisfying done-in-one presentation.” — Tony Isabella, Comic Buyers Guide #1644

"(Adam) is a wonderful morality tale done in the tradition of the Twilight Zone."— Odinson, Lone Star Comics Archivist, My Comic

“Totally unpredictable story. Great work! 5 out of 5 stars.” — Quazipseudo, Syndicated Zine Reviews

“This is pretty much perfect as is. Full marks.” — Jacques Treatment, Dimestore Productions

“The art is beautiful, and the character development is strong and sensible.” — Rick Silva, Dandelion Studios

CLICK HERE for "Worlds" on Amazon, in paperback.

CLICK HERE for "Worlds" on Comixology.

CLICK HERE for "Worlds" download at DriveThruComics.

CLICK HERE for "Worlds" on Amazon, in paperback and for Comixology and Kindle.

CLICK HERE for "Worlds" download at DriveThruComics.